WHO Poll

Ronald_antly 9:27 Fri Dec 25
Release the Network ONE!
Surely a Christmas amnesty is in order.

It's what Jesus would have done.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Sydney_Iron 6:09 Sun Feb 28
Re: Release the Network ONE!
Any sightings? and any news on the monk or 67, all 3 AWOL.

Ronald_antly 7:36 Sat Feb 20
Re: Release the Network ONE!
"a war of erudition "

I like that.

Sydney_Iron 7:30 Sat Feb 20
Re: Release the Network ONE!
Chats, WHO has become very clique orientated but Hugh was never so himself, think the nightshift was more tongue in cheek with his carry on, most of which was harmless, some of the threads were good, the thread when Hugh was posting from his hospital bed via his family was a classic.

A few on the day shift took a very venomous dislike to him, maybe there is more to it than I know but for my money Hugh was/is harmless, bit spammy at times but gave as good a he got and most of his humour when straight over the heads of those attacking him, which in itself was funny at times.

You can go on about the good old days on WHO but things change in every aspect of life though that’s all, still a good site IMHO, just don’t take it too seriously that’s all, be better if the likes of Hugh were to return, even Len gave the site something and even though he hated Hugh it was ironic in many ways as they were/are so similar.

Hope to see them both back and sparring with each other over total bollocks.

Private Dancer 7:22 Sat Feb 20
Re: Release the Network ONE!
Chats - Best of luck to you mate..

Chatham 7:14 Sat Feb 20
Re: Release the Network ONE!
PD - it,s late for me mate. A year ago yesterday I started radiotherapy at st thomas' for the recurrence of a brain tumour I had in 2011 so I, ve celebrated my good fortune with copious amounts of Dom Pom and high quality class A's and I'm still up now ( albeit flagging now )
I wwouldn't win a war of erudition with Antly if I brought my A game but I stick by my original post. I do remember posts like the Kriss Akabusi stories etc that were funny etc whereas now it's more cliquey in jokes etc .

Private Dancer 6:56 Sat Feb 20
Re: Release the Network ONE!
Chats - If you're in the UK isn't it a little too early at 5.30 for all of this? It's 16.30 in Oz, which means Antly is approaching his prime as far as his day is concerned.

Ronald_antly 6:48 Sat Feb 20
Re: Release the Network ONE!
"I 'll use or read whatever forum I want thanks "

I don't believe I made any attempt to tell you what you should do, but merely pointed out that if you don't like aspects of a website you can quite easily avoid it, and let those that do like it get on with it.

Yours with smug arrogance,

R. _antly

Chatham 6:43 Sat Feb 20
Re: Release the Network ONE!
I don't feel obligated you fucking smug idiot. I'm entitled to contribute to the forum as much or as little as I wish. Just because you exercise your right to post more often than I do is your choice.
You come across as an arrogant prick, I 'll use or read whatever forum I want thanks

Private Dancer 6:41 Sat Feb 20
Re: Release the Network ONE!
''I used to laugh out loud reading the non football threads as there was some genuinely funny stuff going on.''

Yea, because folk on here are just soooo funny, proper bantz I tell ya. I find myself in stitches many times. I'm surprised many on here haven't gone on and forged careers as stand up's.

Btw, you could have just typed LOL instead of laughed out loud.

Ronald_antly 6:30 Sat Feb 20
Re: Release the Network ONE!
You should not feel obligated to patronise this, or any other site, if it is no longer to your liking.

I think KUMB may be looking for new members.

Chatham 6:22 Sat Feb 20
Re: Release the Network ONE!
This is exactly the reason why the site has turned to shit, I found WHO circa 2004 and I used to laugh out loud reading the non football threads as there was some genuinely funny stuff going on.

Now it's just cliquey bollocks like this . Hugh Monreith, Tea of Adamson,Twin hammer Network etc has always been harmless enough but it' s just self indulgent rubbish. If it's an alter ego of another poster attempting humour it ran it's course a long while back.
Or just the long winded diatribe of a deluded spastic...

Sydney_Iron 6:13 Sat Feb 20
Re: Release the Network ONE!
Private Dancer 6:07 Sat Feb 20

Blimey, the things you learn on WHO!

Ronald_antly 6:10 Sat Feb 20
Re: Release the Network ONE!
I've never felt the need to try to get into someone else's account, which I assume is the way somebody made that discovery.

Sydney_Iron 6:10 Sat Feb 20
Re: Release the Network ONE!
Staggers me anyone could get so worked up about someone on an internet forum that they would wish them dead or incapacitated and in a lot of pain.

Speaks volumes about them rather than the person they wish all the grief on.

Attention seeking at its worst.

Private Dancer 6:07 Sat Feb 20
Re: Release the Network ONE!
Thought you would have known how to check.

Log out and put in his user name, then place anything in as a password and enter, if it says 'membership cannot be confirmed' it means no ban, but if banned you will see a message expalining why the poster is banned and for how long, etc. To test this, think of a banned poster and carry out the same test.

Ronald_antly 5:59 Sat Feb 20
Re: Release the Network ONE!
Just how, exactly, are YOU able to determine whether a particular user is banned or not?

As far as I'm aware, you do not have administrative privileges.

Private Dancer 5:48 Sat Feb 20
Re: Release the Network ONE!
The fact that Huggy isn't even banned makes you look even more retarded when bumping this shit.

Ronald_antly 5:42 Sat Feb 20
Re: Release the Network ONE!
Perhaps this requires a petition handed in at Downing Street.

Ronald_antly 11:37 Sat Feb 13
Re: Release the Network ONE!

There's always one.

Darby_ 11:36 Sat Feb 13
Re: Release the Network ONE!
Hopefully not too young, Ronald.

Ronald_antly 11:33 Sat Feb 13
Re: Release the Network ONE!

He did send me a WhoMail stating that he wanted to bone up on young Nigerian goal defenders.

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